Administrative Punishment Law of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (2011)

Suggested citations
행정처벌법 2011 [Administrative Punishment Law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2011)] [tr Daye Gang].
Bluebook | Haengjeongcheobeolbeob 2011 [Administrative Punishment Law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2011)] translated in Law and North Korea by Daye Gang, 

Adopted on July 14, Juche 93 (2004), as Directive No. 546 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Amended and supplemented on August 2, Juche 94 (2005), as Directive No. 1234 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Amended and supplemented on May 23, Juche 95 (2006), as Directive No. 1773 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Amended and supplemented on January 8, Juche 96 (2007), as Directive No. 2109 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Amended and supplemented on March 20, Juche 96 (2007), as Directive No. 2161 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Amended and supplemented on June 26, Juche 96 (2007), as Directive No. 2279 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Amended and supplemented on December 11, Juche 96 (2007), as Directive No. 2482 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Amended and supplemented on May 20, Juche 97 (2008), as Directive No. 2712 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Amended and supplemented on October 16, Juche 100 (2011), as Directive No. 1902 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly


Article 1 (Objectives of Administrative Punishment Law)

The Administrative Punishment Law of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea shall serve to correctly regulate unlawful acts and administrative punishment and strictly adopt systems and order in its application to prevent unlawful phenomena and establish a law-abiding ethos in society.

Article 2 (Principle of preventing unlawful acts beforehand)

The State shall strengthen law-abiding culture and legal control so that all institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens willingly and compulsorily abide by the law and shall prevent unlawful acts beforehand.

Article 3 (Principle of combining administrative punishment and social education)

The State shall be oriented to social education and combine it with administrative punishment in the struggle against unlawful acts.

Article 4 (Principle of guarantee of totality, scientificity, objectivity, caution, fairness)

The State shall assure totality, scientificity, objectivity, caution, and fairness in the application of administrative punishment.

Article 5 (Principle of legal effect of administrative punishment)

This law shall apply to institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens that have done unlawful acts. This law shall also apply to international organizations or organizations, enterprises, and citizens of other countries that have done unlawful acts in the territory of our country. However, for citizens of other countries that have diplomatic privileges, it shall be resolved according to diplomatic protocol each time.

Article 6 (Principle of non-retroactivity and retroactivity)

The administrative punishment law at the time of the unlawful act shall be applied to a person who has done an unlawful act. However, in cases where an act seen as an unlawful act in the previous administrative punishment law is not considered an unlawful act in this law, or the administrative punishment has been lowered, this law shall be applied.

Article 7 (Subjects of regulation of administrative punishment law)

This law shall regulate the unlawful acts to which administrative punishment can be applied, and the type, application process, and method of administrative punishment according to those acts.


Article 8 (Definition of unlawful act)

Unlawful acts are dangerous acts of wilfully or negligently violating the legal order of the State to the degree that administrative punishment is applied.

Article 9 (Age of application of administrative punishment)

Administrative punishment may only be applied to a person who has reached the age of 16 years at the time of the unlawful act. In cases where a person who has not reached 16 years has done an unlawful act, social education measures shall be adopted.

Article 10 (Unlawful acts for which administrative punishment can be applied)

Administrative punishments may only be applied to unlawful acts that have not yet become a crime.

Article 11 (Conditions for not applying administrative punishment)

The conditions for not applying administrative punishment are as follows.

1. In cases where a person with a mental disability has done an unlawful act in a state where he or she cannot regulate or control his or her own acts

2. In cases where an performed act is classed as self-defence or an act of necessity

3. In cases where administrative punishment has already been received for the same unlawful act

4. In cases where the legal limitations period for applying administrative punishment has passed

Article 12 (Administrative punishment for unlawful acts in collusion)

In cases where unlawful acts have been done in collusion, administrative punishment shall be imposed by taking into consideration the degree to which each lawbreaker participated in the  given unlawful act. For abettors and accessories to an unlawful act, administrative punishment shall be applied according to the paragraph that applies to the principal offender. An abettor shall have the same or a heavier administrative punishment applied than the principal offender, and an accessory shall have a lighter administrative punishment applied than the principal offender.

Article 13 (Definition of administrative punishment)

Administrative punishment is administrative legal sanctions that apply to institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens that have done unlawful acts that have not reached the degree of applying a criminal penalty.

Article 14 (Types of administrative punishment)

Types of administrative punishment are as follows.

1. Punishments in warnings or serious warnings

2. Punishments in unpaid labour

3. Punishments in labour education 

4. Punishments in demotion, dismissal, termination

5. Punishments in penalty

6. Punishments in suspension

7. Punishments in compensation

8. Punishments in confiscation

9. Punishments in suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification

Article 15 (Punishment of warning, serious warning)

The punishment of a warning or serious warning is an administrative legal sanction applied to a supervisor who has done a slightly unlawful act related to his or her job performance. The warning punishment period is 3 months and the serious warning punishment period is 6 months.

Article 16 (Punishment of unpaid labour)

Unpaid labour is an administrative legal sanction applied to a person who has done a grave unlawful act related to his or her job performance. The implementation of unpaid labour shall be done by the method of ordering offenders to do labour in difficult and arduous sectors. Women in the period of 3 months before childbirth to 7 months after childbirth, patients with a serious illness, and patients with infectious diseases may not have a punishment of unpaid labour implemented. The period of unpaid labour punishment shall be more than 1 month and less than 6 months.

Article 17 (Punishment of labour education)

A punishment of labour education is an administrative legal sanction applied to a person who has done an unlawful act that does not reach the level of short-term labour. Women in the period of 3 months before childbirth to 7 months after childbirth, critically ill patients, and patients with infectious diseases may not have a punishment of labour education implemented. The period of labour education punishment shall be more than 5 days and less than 6 months.

Article 18 (Punishment of demotion, dismissal, termination)

The punishment of demotion, dismissal, or termination is an administrative legal sanction applied to supervisors who have done more grave unlawful acts. The implementation of demotion as a punishment shall be done by the method of lowering the position of the given worker, and the implementation of dismissal or termination as a punishment shall be done by the method of taking away the job of the given worker.

Article 19 (Punishment of penalty)

The punishment of a penalty is an administrative legal sanction applied for the purpose of giving material stimulation to institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens that have done an unlawful act. The amount of penalty shall be based upon the penalty regulations.

Article 20 (Punishment of suspension)

The punishment of suspension is an administrative legal sanction applied to institutions, enterprises, or organizations that have illegally conducted business administration, construction, or operations. The implementation of the punishment of suspension shall be done by sealing off the given subject or blocking things such as the power supply, supplies provision, or bank trading. The punishment of suspension will be revoked after the defects are eradicated.

Article 21 (Punishment of compensation)

The punishment of compensation is an administrative legal sanction applied to institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens that have caused damage to the property of the State and social, cooperative organizations. The implementation of the punishment of compensation shall be done by the method of causing them to pay the whole, part, or a multiple of the given sum of damage.

Article 22 (Punishment of confiscation)

The punishment of confiscation is an administrative legal sanction applied to institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens that have property obtained illegally or used for an unlawful act. The implementation of confiscation shall be done by the method of putting property that is the subject of confiscation into State coffers.

Article 23 (Punishment of suspension of qualifications, demotion, deprivation of qualifications)

The punishment of suspension of qualifications, demotion, or deprivation of qualifications are administrative legal sanctions applied in cases where a person who possesses technical ability qualifications has used them to do an unlawful act. The punishment of suspending qualifications shall be done by the method of temporarily suspending the qualifications, the punishment of demotion shall be done by the method of decreasing the qualifications grade, and the punishment of deprivation of qualifications shall be done by the method of completely taking away the qualifications.

Article 24 (Application of one type of administrative punishment)

For one unlawful act shall be applied one type of administrative punishment. However suspension, compensation, confiscation, suspension of qualifications, demotion, and deprivation of qualifications may be independently applied according to the degree of danger of the unlawful act and may also be applied additional to the base administrative punishment.

Article 25 (Determination of administrative punishment)

The type and limit of administrative punishment shall be determined by taking into consideration things such as the aim and motives of the unlawful act, the ways and means, the degree of execution, any partners in crime, and the degree of danger of the lawbreaker. Article 26 (Administrative punishment when unlawful acts combined)

In cases where one lawbreaker has done many kinds of unlawful acts, they shall be deliberated upon together and the overall danger evaluated to apply one administrative punishment.

Article 27 (Calculation of periods for administrative punishments that are different types from each other)

In cases where periods of administrative punishments that are different types from each other are to be calculated into one period of administrative punishment, it shall be done by reference to the type of administrative punishment where the degree of punishment is high, and it shall be implemented by calculating 1 day of unpaid labour punishment period as 1 day of labour education punishment period.

Article 28 (Conditions to lighten the application of administrative punishment)

Conditions that lighten the application of administrative punishment are as follows.

1. In cases of being a passive participant in an unlawful act involving collusion

2. In cases of co-operating when a State organ was investigating the unlawful act

3. In cases where an unlawful act was done while trying to do well on the work the State has entrusted to him or her

4. In cases where the degree of self-defence or act of necessity was exceeded

5. In cases where there was a confession

6. In cases where a person who has performed outstanding achievements has done an unlawful act

7. In cases where property pillaged or damaged has been personally compensated or restored

8. In cases where the victim is at fault

Article 29 (Conditions to increase the application of administrative punishment)

Conditions that increase the application of administrative punishment are as follows.

1. In cases where he or she is the principal agent of an unlawful act in collusion 

2. In cases where an unlawful act has been done several times 

3. In cases where he or she has interfered with the investigative activities of a law implementation worker related to the unlawful act 

4. In cases where evidence related to the unlawful act has been concealed or destroyed

5. In cases where he or she has assaulted or retaliated against the people who informed of the illegality or a witness

6. In cases where an unlawful act has been done during a state of emergency or during a disaster

7. In cases where an unlawful act has been done in relation to a person under his or her protection or in relation to a person in a subordinate work relationship

Article 30 (Administrative punishment for unlawful acts committed during the implementation of administrative punishment)

In cases where a person who has received administrative punishment has done a new unlawful act before its implementation ends, or a concealed unlawful act has been discovered, the term of execution of the administrative punishment already being received may be extended or more grave administrative punishment may be applied.

Article 31 (Revocation of administrative punishment before the end of the term)

In cases where a person who has received administrative punishment sincerely regrets his or her fault and has led his or her work and standard of life especially well, the administrative punishment he or she has received after more than half of its term of execution has passed may be revoked before the end of the term.

Article 32 (Legal limitations on administrative punishment)

If the following period passes from the time the unlawful act was done, an administrative punishment may not be applied.

1. For unlawful acts for which a punishment of suspension of qualifications, demotion, or disqualification can be given, 6 months

2. For unlawful acts for which a punishment of a warning or serious warning can be given, 1 year

3. For unlawful acts for which a punishment of unpaid labour, labour education, demotion, dismissal, or termination can be given, 2 years

Article 33 (Restriction of rights of person who has received administrative punishment)

A person who has received punishment of a warning, serious warning, unpaid labour, labour education may not receive a commendation of the State during the punishment period or be promoted or transferred, and may not participate in important events, meetings, or lessons, may not be given leave or rest, and may not be sent on business trips to other countries. As necessary, a person who has received the punishment of a warning or serious warning may be allowed to participate in important events, meetings, or lessons.


SECTION 1. Acts of violating national defense management order

Article 34 (Acts of neglecting implementation of order, decision, or direction)

A person who has not implemented an order of the Chair of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea National Defence Commission, an order of the Supreme Commander, a decision or direction of the National Defence Commission, or an order, decision, or direction of the Central Military Commission in time or correctly shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 35 (Act of neglecting creation of strategic supplies reserves and wartime production preparation)

A person who has not done creation of strategic supplies reserves and wartime production preparation well shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 36 (Act of pillaging combat technology equipment)

A person who has pillaged combat technology equipment shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 37 (Acts of illegally carrying and transferring weapons, ammunition)

A person who illegally keeps weapons or ammunition or has handed it over to other people shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 38 (Act of negligently damaging weapons, ammunition, combat technology equipment, military facilities)

A person who has negligently caused damage to weapons, ammunition, combat technology equipment, or military facilities shall have a punishment of compensation or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 39 (Crime of violation of orderly workflow of military security)

In cases where a person who has been mobilized for civilian military training has violated the orderly workflow of military security and caused damage to the subject of the security, a penalty, compensation or less than 3months of labour education punishment shall be imposed. In grave circumstances, more than 3 months of labour education punishment shall be imposed.

Article 40 (Acts of interference with performing of military duties)

A person who has interfered in performing military duties such as security, blocking, controlling, and classified communications work shall have less than 3 months of labour education punishment imposed. In grave circumstances, more than 3 months of labour education punishment shall be imposed.

Article 41 (Acts of misusing, losing, buying and selling resources for producing military supplies and military supplies)

A person who has misused or lost resources for producing military supplies or military supplies, or has knowingly sold or bought military supplies, shall have imposed a warning, serious warning, compensation, or less than 3months of unpaid labour or labour education punishment. In grave circumstances, punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 42 (Acts of causing interference to military supplies production)

A person who has not guaranteed the production of facilities, raw materials, fuel, electricity, and resources required for military supplies production in time or has not been able to assure their quality and caused interference to military supplies production shall have imposed a warning, serious warning, compensation, or less than 3months of unpaid labour or labour education punishment. In grave circumstances, punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 43 (Acts of producing military supplies as defective goods or disqualified goods)

A person who has produced military supplies as defective goods or disqualified goods by violating technical regulations and standard operation manuals shall have a warning, serious warning, compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education punishment imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 44 (Acts of evasion of mobilization for military service)

A person who has evaded military service mobilization shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave cases, more than 3months of labour education punishment shall be imposed.

Article 45 (Acts of harbouring evaders, deserters)

A person who knowingly hides a person who has evaded mobilization for military service or a deserter shall have less than 3 months of labour education punishment imposed. In grave cases, more than 3 months of labour education punishment shall be imposed.

Article 46 (Acts of pretending to be a soldier)

A person who has done an unlawful act by pretending to be a soldier shall have less than 3 months of labour education punishment imposed. In grave circumstances, more than 3 months of labour education punishment shall be imposed.

Article 47 (Act of leaking a national defence secret)

A person who has leaked a national defense secret shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination imposed.

Article 48 (Act of violating the order of civilian military training and weapons storage and management)

A person who has violated the order of civilian military training and weapons storage and management shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, compensation or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.


Article 49 (Acts of violating order of plan drafting and instructing)

A person who has violated the order of drafting and instructing the national economic plan shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 50 (Act of violating the order of planned production)

A person who has caused interference to foundational production planning performance by violating the order of planned production of the national economy shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 51 (Acts of violating order of performance and reporting on plans)

A person who has caused interference to the performance of the national economic plan and the calculation of statistical materials by violating the order of performance and reporting on the national economic plan shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 52 (Act of violating contractual regulations)

A person who has caused interference to the performance of the national economic plan by violating contractual regulations without a proper reason shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 53 (Act of producing defective goods, disqualified goods)

A person who has wasted resources, funds, and labour by producing defective goods or disqualified goods by not sufficiently doing technical preparations such as design, technical regulations, and standard operation manuals or by violating the scientific and technical requirements of the production process and public law shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 54 (Act of violating agricultural work order)

A person who has caused interference to agricultural production by violating agricultural work order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 55 (Act of violating stockbreeding order)

A person who has caused economic loss by irresponsibly afforesting grassy fields or constructing grazing grounds or a person who has caused interference to the production of livestock products by violating the veterinary epidemic prevention and domestic animals feeding and management order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 56 (Act of violating fish farming order)

A person who has caused economic loss by violating fish farming waters management, the creation and protection of fish farming resources, and fish production order shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 57 (Act of violating the precious minerals and minerals production, supply, storage, use order)

A person who has violated the precious minerals and minerals production, supply, storage, use order or smuggled or trafficked them shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 58 (Acts of violating quality control order)

A person who has violated the quality control order shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 59 (Act of violating repairs for means of production order)

A person who has caused interference to business activities or caused property loss by violating the repairs for means of production order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty or compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 60 (Act of illegally operating and pretending to be a corporate body)

A person who has illegally conducted business operations as an individual or pretended to be a corporation to conduct economic transactions shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty or compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 61 (Act of illegal business activities)

A person who has organized for an institution, enterprise or organization to do business activities using anti-socialist methods shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, compensation, confiscation, or suspension, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 62 (Act of illegally disposing produced goods)

A person who has illegally disposed of produced goods shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, compensation, or confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 63 (Acts of violating State supplies reserves management order)

A person who has caused property loss by violating the supply, storage and use order of State supplies reserves shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 64 (Acts of illegal disposal of facilities, raw materials, resources)

A person who has illegally disposed of facilities, raw material, or resources of the State and social, cooperative organizations shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, compensation, or confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 65 (Act of violating equipment inspection and maintenance order)

A person who has violated the equipment inspection and maintenance order and carelessly operated facilities to cause damage or cause production to stop or recklessly thrown them away shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination imposed. 

Article 66 (Acts of misusing, wasting, leaving unused facilities, raw material, resources, funds)

A person who has misused, wasted, or left unused facilities, raw material, resources, or funds shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, compensation, or confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 67 (Acts of decomposing, spoiling, losing property)

A person who has caused the decomposition of, spoiled, or lost the property of the State or of social, cooperative organizations shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 68 (Act of embezzling property of the State)

A person who has embezzled property of the State or of social, cooperative organizations he or she is storing and managing as required by work or according to temporary authorization in the execution of a duty shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 69 (Act of collective corruption over property of the State)

A person who directed or organized collective corruption over property of the State or of social, cooperative organizations shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning or compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 70 (Act of stealing property of the State)

A person who has stolen property of the State or of social, cooperative organizations shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 71 (Act of taking property of the State)

A person who has taken property of the State or of social, cooperative organizations shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 72 (Act of cheating out of property of the State)

A person who has cheated property out of the State or of social, cooperative organizations shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 73 (Act of damaging property of the State or of social, cooperative organizations)

A person who has damaged property of the State or of social, cooperative organizations shall have a punishment of compensation or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 74 (Act of violating price institution and application order)

A person who has violated the price institution and application order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 75 (Act of lending to an individual or borrowing property of the State)

A person who has lent to an individual or borrowed property of the State or of social, cooperative organizations, including currency, shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 76 (Act of violating the payments to the State order)

A person who has violated the payments to the State order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 77 (Act of violating order of bank loans)

A person who has violated the order of bank loans shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 78 (Act of counterfeiting and using counterfeit currency)

A person who has attempted to counterfeit currency of the Republic or currency of a foreign country or who has used counterfeit currency shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 79 (Act of counterfeiting securities and using counterfeit securities)

A person who has attempted to counterfeit marketable securities of the State or used counterfeit securities shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 80 (Act of violating currency exchange order)

A person who has caused property loss to the State by violating currency exchange order shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 81 (Act of illegally issuing, settling, using cashless payment method)

A person who has illegally issued, settled, or used cashless payment methods shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 82 (Act of pillaging property and handing over to institutions)

A person who has pillaged property to use in his or her institution, enterprise or organization or handed it over to another institution, enterprise or organization shall have a punishment of confiscation, or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 83 (Act of violating labour management order)

A person who has not correctly adopted commute order, or has done labour management carelessly and wasted labour, or has caused interference to Statewide labour mobilization guarantee shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 84 (Act of violating organization of labour order)

A person who has recklessly ordered overtime labour, ordered a minor to do labour, or ordered a woman to do labour in a prohibited occupation, shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 85 (Act of violating labour placement order)

A person who has violated labour placement order shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 86 (Act of violating working days evaluation order)

A person who has violated the working days evaluation order and has unreasonably applied things such as living expenses, rewards, and distribution shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 87 (Act of violating labour protection and labour safety order)

A person who has created a danger of labour disasters by not adopting labour protection and labour safety measures and allowed an accident to occur, or who has caused an accident by violating labour safety order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 88 (Acts of illegal work or transportation)

A person who has illegally worked or transported and received money or goods using the machine equipment or transportation methods of institutions, enterprises and organizations shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 89 (Act of violating the State and societal benefits guarantee order)

A person who has caused interference to the health promotion and cultural and aesthetic standards of employees by not assuring leave, rest, recovery, recuperation, or rest days shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. 

Article 90 (Act of unemployed loafers)

A person who has not entered his or her dispatched workplace for more than 6 months without a lawful reason or who has not gone to work for more than 1 month shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 91 (Act of violating electricity supply order)

A person who has caused interference to electricity supply by irresponsibly servicing, operating, or conducting the supply of power transmission and distribution facilities shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. 

Article 92 (Act of wasting electricity)

A person who has violated electricity use order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 93 (Act of violating railway transportation and protection order)

A person who has caused interference to railway operations by irresponsibly doing railway transportation and protection work shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or compensation or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 94 (Act of violating freight car use order)

A person who has delayed freight cars for a long period by violating freight car use order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or compensation or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 95 (Act of violating land use and protection order)

A person who has violated land use and protection order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or compensation or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 96 (Act of violating flood and rainstorms damage prevention order)

A person who has caused damage by not adopting flood and rainstorms damage prevention measures or by adopting them irresponsibly shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or compensation or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 97 (Act of violating afforestation and protection order)

A person who has caused the forest surface area to decrease or caused damage to forest resources by irresponsibly doing afforestation and protection work shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or compensation or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 98 (Act of violating forest supervision and use order)

A person who has irresponsibly done forest supervision or illegally cleared a mountain or recklessly deforested or secretly felled trees or negligently caused a forest fire shall have a punishment of a penalty or compensation or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education shall be imposed.

Article 99 (Act of violating road management order)

A person who has caused interference to traffic or disturbed the road environment by violating road management order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 100 (Act of violating stream protection and use order)

A person who has violated stream protection and use order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 101 (Act of violating exploration, development, extraction, refinement of underground resources order)

A person who has violated exploration, development, extraction, refinement of underground resources order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, compensation, or confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 102 (Act of violating marine products sector order)

A person who has caused interference to production of marine products by violating waters management and the creation and protection of marine resources order and coastal fish farming order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 103 (Act of violating animals and plants protection order)

A person who has caught or gathered beneficial animals, plants, and fish without authorization or at a prohibited time and place or in prohibited ways and means shall have a punishment of a penalty or compensation, or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 104 (Act of polluting streams, lakes and seas)

A person who has polluted streams, lakes and seas shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 105 (Act of violating purification order)

A person who has caused grave consequences by violating purification order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, suspension or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 106 (Acts of soil and air pollution)

A person who has polluted soil and air by violating environmental protection order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, demotion, disqualification or suspension of qualifications, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 107 (Act of importing waste)

A person who has imported or used things such as waste that can cause environmental pollution shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 108 (Act of violating construction license and construction design order)

A person who has violated construction license and construct design order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, suspension, penalty, compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 109 (Act of violating construction and pre-delivery inspection of buildings order)

A person who has violated construction and pre-delivery inspection of buildings order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, suspension, penalty, compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 110 (Act of violating building and home management order)

A person who has violated building and home management order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 111 (Act of violating building and home use order)

A person who has violated building and home use order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 112 (Act of violating drinking water management order)

A person who has violated drinking water production and supply order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 113 (Act of violating heating management order)

A person who has violated heating management order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 114 (Act of violating city garbage treatment order)

A person who has disturbed the environment or caused inconvenience to residents’ lives by not treating city garbage in time shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 115 (Act of violating sewage management order)

A person who has caused sewage to flow out into streets and villages by violating sewage management order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 116 (Act of violating food and fuel supply order)

A person who has violated food and fuel supply order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 117 (Act of violating product supply and sales order)

A person who has violated product supply and sales order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 118 (Act of violating labour order)

A person who has violated public food distribution, convenience, or passenger labour order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 119 (Act of violating logo use order)

A person who has violated logo use order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 120 (Act of violating sideline and domestic convenience labour order)

A person who has illegally organized or operated sideline or domestic community services shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 121 (Act of violating measuring equipment regulations)

A person who has illegally fixed the markings and volume of measuring equipment or used measuring equipment knowing that its markings and volume are wrong shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 122 (Act of violating funeral guarantee order)

A person who has caused interference to funerals by not properly assuring things like funeral facilities, electricity, fuel, or coffins shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 123 (Act of violating communications management order)

A person who has violated communications management order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 124 (Act of violating entry into and execution of foreign economic contracts order)

A person who has incorrectly concluded a foreign economic contract such as a trade contract or equity joint venture or contractual joint venture contract or has violated its execution shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 125 (Act of violating export and import order)

A person who has illegally organized or directed exports and imports shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 126 (Act of smuggling)

A person who has committed smuggling shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 127 (Act of violating foreign currency use order)

A person who has violated foreign currency use order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 128 (Act of violating foreign currency management order)

A person who has violated foreign currency management order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 129 (Act of violating foreign currency earning order)

A person who has violated foreign currency earning order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 130 (Act of buying and selling currency)

A person who has bought and sold currency exchangeable at a bank of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for selfish purposes shall have a punishment of a penalty,, or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 131 (Commercial acts of trade and foreign currency earning institutions and organizations)

In cases where a worker of a trade and foreign currency earning institution or organization has illegally done commercial acts with supplies brought in from other countries, he or she shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

SECTION 1. Acts of Violating Cultural Management Order

Article 132 (Act of violating revolutionary battlefields and revolutionary historic sites management order)

A person who has violated revolutionary battlefields, revolutionary historic sites, and revolutionary historic relics preservation and management order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 133 (Act of violating cultural remains and natural monuments protection and management order)

A person who has violated cultural remains, artefacts, scenic places, natural monuments protection and management order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 134 (Act of violating education order)

A person who has violated educational doctrine or not assured education conditions shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 135 (Acts of private tutoring)

A person who acts as a private tutor and receives money or products for selfish purposes as a full-time job shall have a punishment of suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification, or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 136 (Act of violating expert selection and training order)

A person who has illegally done school recommendations or admissions, evaluations of ability and work placement shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 137 (Act of violating scientific research condition guarantee order)

A person who has caused interference to scientific research by not properly assuring the working conditions of scientists and technical experts shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 138 (Act of violating scientific and technical result materials evaluation order)

A person who has falsely evaluated or stifled scientific and technical result materials, including original designs, or has not accepted them in their production, shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 139 (Acts of stealing and illegally introducing scientific and technical result materials)

A person who has stolen or illegally introduced scientific and technical result materials shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification, penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 140 (Act of violating computing safety and use order)

A person who has violated computer safety and use order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 141 (Act of violating qualifications or grade assessment order)

A person who has illegally given or received qualifications or a grade shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 142 (Act of violating copyright protection order)

A person who has falsely evaluated writing or inventions or presented the writing, invention, or original design of a different person in his or her name shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 143 (Act of violating publishing, printing, dissemination order)

A person who has violated publishing, printing, and dissemination order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 144 (Act of violating medical order)

A person who has violated medical order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 145 (Act of refusing treatment)

In cases where a medical worker has refused to visit and treat a patient without a special reason and damaged his or her health, the worker shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 146 (Illegal medical acts)

A person who is not a medical worker or, even if a medical worker, a person who performed medical acts for selfish purposes other than compulsory activities shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 147 (Act of violating hygiene and epidemic prevention and infectious disease prevention order)

A person who has violated hygiene and epidemic prevention and infectious disease prevention order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, suspension, suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 148 (Act of violating medicine and medical supplies management order)

A person who has violated the production, certification, storage, supply, and use of medicine and medical supplies order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, compensation, suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 149 (Act of manufacturing and selling imitation medicine and medical supplies and food)

A person who has made or knowingly sold medicine, medical supplies, or food that is harmful to the life and health of people shall have a punishment of a penalty, confiscation, or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 150 (Act of violating childcare and education order)

A person who has irresponsibly done child management at a creche or kindergarten shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 151 (Act of violating sport work order)

A person who has violated sport work order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 152 (Acts of importing, using, disseminating degenerate culture)

A person who has imported, manufactured, stored, disseminated, watched, or heard 

degenerate and vulgar things such as records, video recordings, drawings, photographs, books, and electronic multimedia, or a person who has used a thing such as a computer or semiconductor radio without registering it, shall have a punishment of a penalty or confiscation, or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 153 (Acts of listening to hostile broadcasts and collecting, storing, disseminating hostile goods)

A person who has listened to enemy broadcasts or collected, stored, or disseminated hostile goods without a purpose against the State shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 154 (Acts of illegally cultivating opium and manufacturing drugs and toxic substances)

A person who has illegally cultivated opium or has manufactured drugs or toxic substances or has manufactured or trafficked drug paraphernalia shall have a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education imposed. 

Article 155 (Acts of using illegal drugs)

A person who has illegally used drugs shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 156 (Acts of smuggling or trafficking drugs)

A person who has smuggled or trafficked drugs shall have a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education imposed. 

Article 157 (Acts of violating sedative and sleeping pills management order)

A person who has violated the production, storage, supply, or use order of sedatives and sleeping pills such as diazepam or illicitly traded them shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.


Article 158 (Acts of irresponsibly doing policy implementation)

A person who has irresponsibly implemented the policies of the State shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 159 (Act of abuse of official authority)

In cases where a worker has abused his or her authority for selfish purposes and caused societal and public criticism shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 160 (Acts of negligence in performance of work duties)

A person who has not performed his or her required duties, or has done them carelessly and caused grave consequences, or has not participated in important meetings organized by a higher level institution shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 161 (Exceeding official authority)

A person who has created disorder and confusion by doing an act affiliated with a higher level of authority without approval or a person who has caused interference to the work of other institutions, enterprises and organizations by needlessly interfering, shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 162 (Act of damaging prestige of State organ)

In cases where a worker has damaged the prestige of a State organ by doing an unlawful act, he or she shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 163 (Acts of bribery)

A person who has given, received, or mediated a bribe shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 164 (Acts of material burden)

A person who has caused material expense under pretexts such as support, sponsorship, aid, or business guarantee shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 165 (Acts of human rights abuses)

In cases where a legal worker has committed acts of human rights abuses, he or she shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 166 (Act of violating accident prevention order)

A person who has created a grave risk of accident or caused an accident by irresponsibly organizing each kind of accident prevention work shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, compensation, suspension, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 167 (Act of violating fire prevention order)

A person who has caused an accident such as a fire or explosion by not adopting fire protection measures shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 168 (Act of violating orderly workflow of security)

A person who has violated the orderly workflow of security shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 169 (Act of violating dangerous substances management order)

A person who has violated radioactivity, flammability, or explosive substance management order or who has illegally manufactured and trafficking radioactive, flammable, or explosive substances shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, confiscation, suspension, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 170 (Act of violating traffic safety and wheeled vehicle operating order)

A person who has violated traffic safety and wheeled vehicle operating order shall have a punishment of a suspension of qualifications, demotion, disqualification, penalty, compensation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 171 (Act of violating certificate and document management order)

A person who has violated certificate and document management order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 172 (Act of violating official approval use order)

A person who has counterfeited or illegally used official approval shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 173 (Act of violating registration order)

A person who has violated residence, vacation, accommodation, marriage, divorce registration order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour, labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 174 (Act of rejecting decision, direction implementation)

A person who has rejected the implementation of a decision or direction of a State organ without a lawful reason shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education shall be imposed.

Article 175 (Act of mass disturbance)

A person who has not complied with a proper direction of a State organ and caused a mass disturbance shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education shall be imposed.

Article 176 (Act of interference with execution of duties)

A person who has interfered with the job implementation of a worker by method of assault, threats, or insults shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 177 (Acts of illegal treatment of complaints and petitions and unreasonable complaints)

A person who has stifled or falsely treated a complaint or petition without a lawful reason, or a person who has made an overstated or fabricated complaint with ignoble motives and purposes shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 178 (Acts of false reports and statements)

A person who has made a false report about an unlawful act or a person who has made a false statement, analysis, interpretation, or translation in an investigation or treatment of an unlawful act shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. 

Article 179 (Acts of violating administration inspection order)

A person who has caused interference to the work of institutions, enterprises and organizations by violating administration inspection order, or a person who has covered up or weakened an unlawful act shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 180 (Illegally exercised acts of inspection and enforcement work members)

In cases where a member performing inspection and enforcement work has illegally exercised the authority he or she has been charged with, he or she shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 181 (Act of violating radio transmission facilities registration and operating order)

A person who has violated the registration and operating order of radio transmission facilities shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 182 (Act of violating confidential management order)

A person who has violated confidential management order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 183 (Act of violating border traffic inspection order)

A person who has allowed people, products, animals and plants, or transportation methods to transit that are not allowed to transit by irresponsibly doing customs inspections, exports and imports inspections, and quarantine shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 184 (Act of violating delegation dispatch and activities order)

A person who has violated delegation dispatch and activities order or damaged the prestige of the country abroad by violating the law of the country of sojourn shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 185 (Acts of violating border entry and exit and product entry and exit order)

A person who has violated border entry and exit and product entry and exit order shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, confiscation, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 186 (Act of violating sea entry, voyage and ship registration and safety order)

A person who has violated sea entry order or has left a voyaging area or fishing area without authorization or violated ship registration and safety order, or a person who has encouraged or overlooked such acts shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.


Article 187 (Acts of malpractice and acting under false pretense)

A person who has abused his or her authority or a person who has pretended and posed as an inspection or control worker shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 188 (Acts of abusing honours and titles)

A person who has done unlawful acts by abusing State honours or titles for selfish purposes shall have a punishment of a penalty imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 189 (Act of violating public order)

A person who has caused disorder to the social order in a public place or has drunk alcohol and behaved indecently shall have a punishment of a penalty, compensation, or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 190 (Act of disturbing public place)

A person who has disturbed a public place shall have a punishment of a penalty imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 191 (Delinquent acts)

A person who has done a delinquent act and violated communal life order shall have a punishment of a penalty or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 192 (Act of harbouring lawbreaker)

A person who has hidden criminals or lawbreakers who are liable to receive short-term labour or more than 3 months of labour education punishment, or hidden their traces, shall have a punishment of a penalty or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 193 (Acts of selling tickets expensively)

A person who has had unjust enrichment by selling expensive spectatorship tickets, train tickets, or restaurant tickets shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, termination shall be imposed.

Article 194 (Act of violating travel order)

A person who has violated travel order or illegally entered a controlled area shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, termination shall be imposed.

Article 195 (Act of violating boarding order and interference with operation)

A person who has violated boarding order or interfered with the operation of transportation methods shall have a punishment of a penalty or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 196 (Acts of violating crossings order)

A person who has gone through a place that is not a crossing or ridden a bicycle in a place that is not a bicycle path shall have a punishment of a penalty imposed.

Article 197 (Acts of character insults and defamation)

A person who has insulted the character of a person or damaged his or her honour shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed.

Article 198 (Acts of abuse and contempt for person in a subordinate work relationship)

A person who has abused or shown contempt for a person in a subordinate work relationship shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or demotion, dismissal, termination shall be imposed.

Article 199 (Acts of not providing compensation)

In cases where compensation received during a transaction process has been kept and not submitted to a State organ, the person shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, termination shall be imposed.

Article 200 (Act of neglecting occurrence of grave consequences)

A person who allowed grave consequences to arise by not informing the authorities concerned or relevant person, or by not doing acts that could easily save or prevent the consequences, while knowing that people are in danger or that a large amount of property loss may occur, shall have a punishment of a penalty, or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. 

Article 201 (Act of enticing a minor)

A person who has enticed a minor to do unlawful acts shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 202 (Acts of assault)

A person who has beaten or assaulted a person shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 203 (Acts of gang fighting)

A person who has participated in gang fighting shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 204 (Acts of false imprisonment)

A person who has illegally detained a person shall have a punishment of a penalty or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 205 (Acts of causing grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defence)

A person who has caused grievous bodily harm to a person by exceeding self-defence or doing an act that goes beyond what is required to do his or her job shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education shall be imposed.

Article 206 (Acts of use of strong measures)

A person who has exercised strong measures for his or her personal or property rights without basing them in law shall have a punishment of a penalty or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 207 (Acts of stealing individual property)

A person who has stolen the property of an individual shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 208 (Acts of taking individual property)

A person who has taken individual property shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 209 (Act of cheating out of individual property)

A person who has cheated someone out of individual property shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 210 (Acts of embezzling individual property)

A person who has embezzled individual property shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 211 (Act of intentionally destroying individual property)

A person who has intentionally destroyed individual property shall have a punishment of compensation or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 212 (Acts of trading pillaged goods)

A person who knowingly receives, sells, or buys pillaged goods shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 213 (Act of keeping obtained goods or money)

A person who has kept goods or money obtained without submitting them to State organs shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 214 (Act of damaging civil-military relationship)

A person who has damaged the civil-military relationship shall have a punishment of a warning or serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 215 (Acts of evading responsibility to protect elderly, children)

In cases where a person who has the duty to protect the elderly, children, or people who have no labour capacity has evaded his or her responsibilities and caused societal and public criticism, he or she shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 216 (Act of abuse and contempt against parents, parents-in-law, step-children)

A person who has done abuse and contempt against parents, parents-in-law, and step-children and caused societal and public criticism shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 217 (Act of violating orphanages and mental hospitals management order)

A person who has irresponsibly done management over children, the elderly, and people with a mental disability in orphanages, nursery schools, nursing homes, step-children private education institutes, almshouses, or mental hospitals shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 218 (Acts of labour exploitation)

A person who has illegally put someone to another individual’s work and given him or her money or products shall have a punishment of a penalty or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 219 (Acts of superstition and acts of disseminating falsehoods)

A person who has done acts of superstition or has spread falsehoods or rumours that can create societal confusion and distrust about the State shall have a punishment of a penalty or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 220 (Acts of prostitution)

A person who has done an act of prosecution or has encouraged or mediated it or supplied a place for it shall have a punishment of a penalty or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 221 (Acts of unfair divorce, acts of adultery and debauchery)

A person who has divorced for unfair aims and motives or has habitually led a life of adultery and debauchery or has led a married life with another person without undergoing divorce procedures shall have a punishment of a penalty or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 222 (Act of violating socialist way of life)

A person who has not arranged their attire and appearance to conform to the socialist way of life shall have a punishment of a penalty imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 223 (Acts of gambling)

A person who has gambled shall have a punishment of less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 224 (Acts of illicit trade)

In cases where an individual has obtained unjust enrichment by doing illicit trade, he or she shall have a punishment of a penalty or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 225 (Acts of brokerage)

A person who has obtained unjust enrichment by doing acts of brokerage shall have a punishment of a penalty or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 226 (Acts of usury)

A person who has committed acts of usury shall have a punishment of a penalty or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.

Article 227 (Acts of making bootleg liquor)

A person who has done acts of making bootleg liquor for the purposes of business or bartering shall have a punishment of a warning, serious warning, penalty or less than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of unpaid labour or labour education, or demotion, dismissal, or termination shall be imposed.

Article 228 (Act of damaging graves)

A person who has damaged graves shall have a punishment of a penalty or less than 3 months of labour education imposed. In grave circumstances, a punishment of more than 3 months of labour education shall be imposed.


Article 229 (Administrative punishment institution)

Administrative punishment shall be given by the socialist law-abiding life guidance committee; the Cabinet; Public Prosecutors; courts, arbitration, people’s safety, and inspection supervision institutions, and qualifications conferment institutions. Institutions and enterprises may also give the given administrative punishment within the scope of what is provided for by law.

Article 230 (Authority to give administrative punishment of socialist law-abiding life guidance committee)

In cases where a worker of a State institution, enterprise, or organization has done an unlawful act, the socialist law-abiding life guidance committee may give a punishment of a warning, serious warning, unpaid labour, labour education, demotion, dismissal, termination, penalty, suspension, compensation, confiscation, suspension of qualifications, demotion, or disqualification.

Article 231 (Authority to give administrative punishment of Cabinet)

In cases where a worker of a Cabinet-affiliated institution, enterprise, or organization has done an unlawful act related to his or her job performance, the Cabinet may give a punishment of a warning, serious warning, unpaid labour, demotion, dismissal, or termination. As necessary, it can also give a punishment of a penalty, suspension, compensation, or confiscation.

Article 232 (Authority to give administrative punishment of Prosecutorial institution)

For unlawful acts detected during the prosecutorial surveillance process, a Prosecutorial institution may give a punishment of a penalty, suspension, compensation, confiscation, pr labour education.

Article 233 (Authority to give administrative punishment of court)

For unlawful acts proven during a trial, a court may give a punishment of a penalty, compensation, confiscation, or labour education.

Article 234 (Authority to give administrative punishment of arbitral organ)

For unlawful acts proven during an arbitration hearing, an arbitral organ may give a punishment of a penalty, suspension, compensation, confiscation, or unpaid labour.

Article 235 (Authority to give administrative punishment of people’s safety institutions)

For unlawful acts discovered during a people’s safety crackdown process, people’s safety institutions may give a punishment of a penalty, suspension, compensation, confiscation, or labour education.

Article 236 (Authority to give administrative punishment of inspection supervision institution)

For unlawful acts discovered during the administration inspection process, inspection supervision institutions may give a punishment of a penalty, suspension, compensation, or confiscation.

Article 237 (Authority to give administrative punishment of qualifications conferment institution)

A given qualifications conferment institution may give a punishment of a suspension of qualifications, demotion, or disqualification to an owner of technical qualifications who has done an unlawful act.

Article 238 (Authority to give administrative punishment of institutions, enterprises and organizations)

Institutions, enterprises and organizations may give a punishment of compensation to an employee of their unit who has done an unlawful act and caused damage to property of the State and of social, cooperative organizations.

Article 239 (Party raising administrative punishment)

Raising the imposition of an administrative punishment shall be done by Prosecutors, courts, arbitration, people’s safety institutions, and inspection supervision institutions. Institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens may also raise the imposition of an administrative punishment.

Article 240 (Process of raising administrative punishment)

Institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens seeking to raise an administrative punishment must submit materials on the illegality in writing to the given administrative punishment institution. The materials on the illegality must state in detail things such as the offender’s name, position at work, illegal content, and the legal provisions sought to be applied, and must attach evidence materials.

Article 241 (Discovery of materials on the illegality)

Administrative punishment institutions must correctly discover and confirm the materials on the illegality raised. In these cases, they may meet and confer with the lawbreaker a person related to the unlawful act, view required documents, and may receive a report or confirmation document from the lawbreaker. In cases where the materials on the illegality do not conform to the facts, there is insufficient evidence, or it does not amount to giving an administrative punishment, it shall be returned.

Article 242 (Deliberation and decision method for administrative punishment)

Administrative punishment shall be deliberated on by the socialist law-abiding life guidance committee, Cabinet Meeting of the Permanent Committee, or the responsible workers’ committee of institutions, enterprises and organizations and given by their decision. However, administrative punishment given by courts or arbitral organs shall be given by findings or arbitral award.

Article 243 (Deliberation and decision period for administrative punishment)

Administrative punishment institutions shall deliberate on materials on the illegality and make the given decision within 30 days of the day they were received.

Article 244 (Participation of lawbreaker in deliberation for administrative punishment)

In cases where an administrative punishment institution deliberates and decides on administrative punishment, the given lawbreaker must be caused to participate. However, in cases where the issue of a punishment of a penalty, suspension, compensation, or confiscation will be deliberated on and decided, the lawbreaker may not be required to participate.

Article 245 (Transfer of control of materials on the illegality)

In cases where the unlawful act is so grave as to give a criminal penalty, administrative punishment institutions must give those materials to the given law institution. In cases where the subject of the administrative punishment is not within their jurisdiction, the materials on the illegality shall be given to the given administrative punishment institution.

Article 246 (Issue of administrative punishment decision notification)

In cases where an administrative punishment institution has made a decision to apply administrative punishment to a lawbreaker, it shall issue an administrative punishment decision notification to the institution, enterprise, or organization of the person who has received the punishment and to the given institution. In cases where the person who has received the punishment does not attend a workplace, it shall be sent to the resident administration institution in the area where he resides.

Article 247 (Prohibition on application of administrative punishment outside of authority)

Administrative punishment institutions may not give administrative punishments out of their authority for unlawful acts. For subjects to be given administrative punishments out of their authority, the materials on the illegality must be raised with the given socialist law-abiding life guidance committee or with the authorized institution.

Article 248 (Duties of administrative punishment implementation institution)

Institutions implementing unpaid labour or labour education punishment shall strictly organize and control things such as the work, daily routine, and review meetings of the persons undergoing the punishment, and must normally command materials on their living to notify the institution that decided their administrative punishment.

Article 249 (Decision to revoke administrative punishment implementation)

An institution that has decided administrative punishment must make a revocation decision immediately upon the end of the term of execution of the administrative punishment. In these cases, an administrative punishment revocation decision notification shall be drafted and sent to the given institutions, enterprises and organizations.

Article 250 (Change and cancellation of administrative punishment)

Higher level institutions may change or cancel administrative punishments applied in error by a lower administrative punishment institution.

Article 251 (Report on state of administrative punishment)

Administrative punishment institutions must make a report on the application and implementation of administrative punishment once per quarter to the given socialist law-abiding life guidance committee.

Article 252 (Raising complaints)

In cases where institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens have an opinion on the application and implementation of administrative punishment, they may make a complaint to the given administrative punishment institution or a higher level administrative punishment institution.

Article 253 (Handling of complaints)

An administrative punishment institution or administrative punishment implementation institution that has received a complaint about the application and implementation of administrative punishment shall investigate and deal with it within 60 days of the day the complaint was received for a central level institution, within 40 days for province (or city) level institutions, and within 20 days for district (or county) level institutions, and must inform the institution, enterprise, organization or citizen who made the complaint of the results.

Article 254 (Surveillance for application and implementation of administrative punishment)

Surveillance for the application and implementation of administrative punishment shall be done by the Prosecutorial institution. In these cases, prosecutorial surveillance law shall be followed.

Last updated 10 January 2021

Civil Service Qualification Law of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (2011)

Notarization Law of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (2004)