Civil Service Qualification Law of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (2011)

Suggested citations
공무원자격판정법 2011 [Civil Service Qualification Law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2011)] [tr Daye Gang].
Bluebook | Gongmuwonjagyeogpanjeongbeob 2011 [Civil Service Qualification Law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2011)] translated in Law and North Korea by Daye Gang, 

Adopted on November 23, Juche 94 (2005), as Directive No. 1397 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Amended and supplemented on April 1, Juche 97 (2008), as Directive No. 2643 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Amended on December 21, Juche 100 (2011), as Directive No. 2052 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Article 1 (Objectives of Civil Service Qualification Law)

The Civil Service Qualification Law of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea shall strictly adopt systems and order in the determination of qualifications for civil servants and serve to correctly evaluate the qualifications of civil servants and raise their level.

Article 2 (Principle of compulsory participation in determination of qualifications for civil servants)

Civil servants are workers who work with fixed administrative duties and authority in a State organ. The State shall ensure that all civil servants compulsorily participate in the determination of qualifications.

Article 3 (Principle of guaranteeing objectivity and fairness in determination of qualifications for civil servants)

The State shall assure objectivity and fairness in the determination of qualifications for civil servants.

Article 4 (Standards of determination of qualifications for civil servants)

The standards of determination of qualifications for civil servants are as follows.

1. Whether he or she correctly understands the policy of the State and the regulations of the given sector

2. Whether he or she has professional knowledge of the given sector

3. Whether he or she has the ability to organize and conduct work

4. Whether he or she has work results

5. Whether he or she has a law-abiding ethos

6. Whether he or she possesses a refined moral character

Article 5 (Subjects of determination of qualifications for civil servants)

The subjects of determination of qualifications for civil servants are as follows.

1. A worker who is higher than a staff member of a Commission of the Cabinet, Ministry, or a central body

2. A worker who is higher than a staff member of a province (or municipality directly under central authority) level institution

3. A worker who is higher than a staff member of a city (or district), county level institution

4. A worker who is higher than a staff member of the authorities concerned

Article 6 (Subjects excepted from determination of qualifications for civil servants)

Subjects excepted from determination of qualifications for civil servants are as follows.

1. Workers appointed or elected to the Supreme People’s Assembly

2. Workers receiving distance education or taking certification examinations

3. Workers over the age of 60 years for men and 55 years for women

4. Other separately designated workers

Article 7 (Organization of determination of qualifications for civil servants committee)

The State shall have a non-standing determination of qualifications for civil servants committee in Cabinet, sector-specific determination of qualifications for civil servants committees in central bodies outside of Cabinet, and determination of qualifications for civil servants committees for committees, Ministries, central bodies, province (or municipality directly under central authority), city (or district), or county People’s Committees for the determination of qualifications for civil servants. As necessary, lower institutions of committees, Ministries, central bodies and authorities concerned may also have a determination of qualifications for civil servants committee with the approval of the non-standing determination of qualifications for civil servants committee or sector-specific determination of qualifications for civil servants committee.

Article 8 (Composition of determination of qualifications for civil servants committee)

A determination of qualifications for civil servants committee shall be composed of the Chair, Vice-Chair, and members. The non-standing determination of qualifications for civil servants committee shall be composed of 10~13 members, and the determination of qualifications for civil servants committee at each level shall be composed of a number decided by the authorities concerned within the scope of 5~10 members.

Article 9 (Duties and authority of determination of qualifications for civil servants committee)

The duties and authority of a determination of qualifications for civil servants committee are as follows.

1. They shall produce examination questions for the determination of qualifications for civil servants.

2. They shall decide the date and place of the determination and promulgate it 30 days in advance.

3. They shall do evaluation work for civil servants qualifications.

4. They shall handle issues raised related to the determination of qualifications for civil servants.

Article 10 (Civil servants qualifications grades)

Civil servants qualifications grades shall be from levels 1~6. The standards following civil servants qualifications grades shall be determined by the non-standing determination of qualifications for civil servants committee, based on the determination of qualifications for civil servants standards.

Article 11 (Jurisdiction for determination of qualifications for civil servants)

The determination of qualifications for Grade 1 civil servants shall be done by the non-standing determination of qualifications for civil servants committee. However, the determination of qualifications for Grade 1 civil servants in institutions outside of Cabinet and for separately determined institutions shall be done by the sector-specific determination of qualifications for civil servants committee or the institution determination of qualifications for civil servants committee. The determination of qualifications of civil servants in levels 2~6 shall be done by the given determination of qualifications for civil servants committee.

Article 12 (Cycle of determination of qualifications for civil servants)

The cycle of determination of qualifications for civil servants shall be 3 years. In inevitable cases, the cycle of determination of qualifications for civil servants may be 5 years.

Article 13 (Setting period for determination of qualifications for civil servants)

The period for determination of qualifications for civil servants shall be determined by the non-standing determination of qualifications for civil servants committee by taking into Statewide work into consideration every determination cycle.

Article 14 (Classification of civil servants qualifications grades determination)

The determination of qualifications for civil servants shall be divided into maintaining grade determination and rising grade determination. A rising grade determination may be taken only with the recommendation of the authorities concerned.

Article 15 (Examination method for determination of qualifications for civil servants)

The determination of qualifications for civil servants examination shall be done by method of written responses or oral responses. As necessary, methods of practical skill application may be combined.

Article 16 (Treatment of results of determinations that have not passed)

The qualifications grades of civil servants who have not passed the maintaining grade determination shall be lowered one level. In these cases, civil servants who have no grade to be lowered may receive a determination of qualifications again within 6 months.

Article 17 (Publication of determination of qualifications for civil servants results)

The determination of qualifications for civil servants committee must make the determination results public within 7 days.

Article 18 (Determination of qualifications for newly hired civil servants)

Civil servants newly hired at State organs must receive determination of qualifications for civil servants within 1 year.

Article 19 (Guidance for determination of qualifications for civil servants work)

Standardized guidance for determination of qualifications for civil servants work shall be done by the non-standing determination of qualifications for civil servants committee. The non-standing determination of qualifications for civil servants committee must correctly adopt a determination of qualifications for civil servants work system to command and guide determination of qualifications for civil servants work.

Article 20 (Deprivation of civil servant qualification)

In cases where a person has not participated in a determination of qualifications for civil servants without a lawful reason or has not been able to pass it, he or she shall be deprived of civil servants qualifications.

Article 21 (Administrative responsibility)

In cases where determination of qualifications for civil servants has not been done objectively and fairly, administrative responsibility shall be imposed.

Article 22 (Lodgement and treatment of opinion on determination of qualifications for civil servants results)

In cases where there is an opinion on the determination of qualifications for civil servants result, it may be raised with the determination of qualifications for civil servants committee of the authorities concerned or with a higher level institution. A determination of qualifications for civil servants committee or a higher level institution must review a raised opinion and handle it in time.

Last updated 4 June 2021

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